Hola Padres! 20 June 2011
Well it is that time of week again! The weeks just continue to move faster and faster. It was a good week with ups and downs, but these are the joys and struggles of a mission. I have learned that trying to keep up two different areas really sucks! (Since beginning his mission, he has covered both an “English speaking” area and a “Spanish speaking” area at the same time.) Every time we would try to focus on increasing the English work, the Spanish work would decrease. Then every time we just focused on the Spanish work, the English work would plummet. It felt like we were always going back and forth with trying to get them both to increase at the same time, but it is just basically impossible. Now I won’t have to worry about trying to get both of them to increase at the same time -- I am now back to being just a Spanish Elder. The mission is bringing in two new Elders to cover the English area that we had, so it will be a change once again to just being Spanish speaking.
Well my son, Elder Leguizamon is definitely progressing. It is cool to see all the changes that come when you first come to the mission. It is weird to think that I was that "greenie" about 10 months ago. He is really keeping me on my toes though; he is making me really be the best I can be. This week we had another Zone Training. It was a little different typically we just practice with our companions. This time we asked members or investigators to come in. It was definitely a lot different to teach someone who wasn’t already on the same page as you. We also gave a seminar in the park to a bunch of Spanish speaking people. It was put on by a school for kids that had Spanish speaking parents. We talked about how we can come closer as a family and also about all the Daily Dose classes that missionaries teach, or basically the English classes.
I want to say thank you for the package. It was a pleasant surprise.(See PICTURE of NEW DAD t-shirt.) I will definitely use all of that stuff. I also received another package from Uncle Howard and Aunt Robin. It is definitely nice to have all that support from family. THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT!
Sunday here was absolutely crazy! We had meetings all day. They started at and they didn’t end until about . Most of those meetings were Sacrament Meetings. I went to four Sacrament Meetings. So I think I may take a break from going to Church, because I went to a month's worth of Church in one day. What do you think? (That was a joke! J) Then our last meeting of the day was a Spanish Fireside. It was super powerful. The Spirit was there and the testimonies given were super strong. It made me realize that the things that I went through to obtain my testimony weren’t as bad as others. I didn’t have to travel 7 hours to listen to the missionaries or travel 2 hours every Sunday to Church, or even disobey my family and leave them all to gain my testimony. It just humbled me a lot and made me realize how blessed I am. This Gospel has truly changed my life, and I will always be grateful to those people that helped me straighten my life out, to them I am eternally grateful!
Well I am sorry that I didn’t send anything home for Father's Day and I am sorry that Pops was sad because it was his first one without me being there. But it will be just another one and I will be back in no time. But I am grateful for my father and everything he has done for me!
I am still here loving every minute of my mission! The time is going by way to fast, but that is just something to deal with. Thanks to everyone and make every day great! (See picture of Chad and Elder L holding up Mexico (Chad ) and Argentina FLAGS.)
Live it! Love it! Preach it!
Con amor, ELDER D
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